Hubei Yide Digital Culture Co., Ltd-2017-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 6年前 (2017-11-29) 578次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Hubei Yide Digital Culture Co., Ltd
Organizational Unit:
R&D Center
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Nov 30, 2017
Lead Appraiser:
Jiahua Li
Hanchang Liu
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All projects are delivered on Wuhan. Location is not relevant.)
Customer (Not Relevant: No difference in processes due to Customer, the customers are children, the products are simple education animations and mobile APP software that derived from the animation. Customer is not relevant.)
Size (Not Relevant: No difference in processes due to Size, all the project teams” size is 3-7 staffs. Size is not relevant.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: No difference in processes due to Organization, all the project teams are belong to R&D center and the team structure is almost same. Organization Structure is not relevant.)
Type of Work: There are two types of work in the organization, one is animation development, another is mobile phone APP software(which binding some animations as content) development. There are a few differences in REQM\PP\IPM\RSKM\RD\TS\PI\VER\VAL\PPQA\CM.
Sampling Factor Values: Animation (Type of Work): To develop the animations for children education. The orgnization need to elicit the need of customers and define the animation requirements, and writting a story, then transform it to animations, and release them on Internet. The main work is animation production.
APP (Type of Work): To develop the mobile APP software that binding some animation contents for children education. The main work is computer software programming and some animation reproduction.
Subgroups: SG1: The main work is animation production. The customer is children. All teams are work in one place. All the project teams” size is 3-7 staffs and belong to the same R&D center.
12 People, 4 Basic Units
– Animation
SG2: The main work is mobile APP software development, include some programing and some animation reproduction. The customer is children. All teams are work in one place. All the project teams” size is 3-7 staffs and belong to the same R&D center.
6 People, 2 Basic Units

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