CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 9年前 (2015-07-09) 385次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
Systems Integration
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Jul 10, 2015
Lead Appraiser:
Giuseppe Satriani
Anna vazquez
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Projects are independent from the location where are executed; every site uses the same standard process)
Customer (Not Relevant: Customers segmentation fully correspond to Organisational Structure factor)
Size (Not Relevant: Within the appraisal scope have been included just projects with a budget larger than 100K euro that share the same standard process. Consequently, size is not a factor that affects how the processes are implemented within the organizational unit)
Organizational Structure: Depending on the delivery units where the work is performed there may be some variations on how processes are executed
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Appraisal Scope is limited to development projects)
Sampling Factor Values: Future Solution DU development projects (Organizational Structure): Development projects executed within Future Solutions Delivery Unit that cover the following market segments: Public Administration, Health, Insurance
Automotive&MI Development projects (Organizational Structure): Development projects executed within the Automotive and MI Delivery Unit, oriented to the industrial sector, mainly automotive
Subgroups: DU FS: Development projects executed within Future Solutions Delivery Unit
42 People, 9 Basic Units
– Future Solution DU development projects
DU A&MI: Development projects executed within Automotive adn MI Delivery Unit
52 People, 13 Basic Units
– Automotive&MI Development projects

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转载请注明原文链接:T-2015-SYSTEMS ITC IBERIA, S.A.-2015-CMMI3
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