CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 4年前 (2020-05-21) 352次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
Development Department
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
May 22, 2020
Lead Appraiser:
Jose Arias
Jose Miguel Mayoral
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Not relevant. All activities are performed in one single location)

Customer (Not Relevant: Not relevant. All services are delivered to internal customers.)

Size (Not Relevant: Not relevant. Services are characterized to deliver similar type of requests independently of the size of the requests that result in development projects with similar size.)

Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Not relevant. All business units follow the same organizational structure.)

Type of Work: There are two differentiated type of activities with the scope, those related to services considered as application service management and software product and project development which can be categorized as traditional projects and SCRUM.

Sampling Factor Values: Traditional (Type of Work): Application development for projects under AGROSEGURO responsibility with a closed scope greater than 500 hours.

SCRUM (Type of Work): Small enhancements that are grouped into sprint and managed according to scrum principles for each of the teams that provide support to each of the business or functional areas within the company.

Subgroups: SG1: Traditional
17 People, 4 Basic Units
– Traditional

SG2: Scrum
15 People, 5 Basic Units

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