Organization Name:
(组织名称) Amyx, Inc.
(组织名称) Amyx, Inc.
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) Engineering Support Projects
(组织单位) Engineering Support Projects
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) May 12, 2017
(评估结束日期) May 12, 2017
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Karen McKeown
(主任评估师) Karen McKeown
(发起人) Satya Akula
(发起人) Satya Akula
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All projects within the scope are managed from the corporate headquarters in Reston, VA Although some project team members are located at client sites in Chicago, IL and Scott AFB, IL, all projects are implemented using the same standard Amyx processes, templates and tailoring guidelines with no significant differences in process implementation)
Customer (Not Relevant: Projects within the organizational unit are performed for government/military agencies with no significant differences in process implementation.)
Size (Not Relevant: Projects size does not have a significant influence on how processes are implemented. All projects are less than 20 FTE.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: All projects are managed under the direction of the same Amyx senior management. No differences in process implementation were noted.)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: All projects perform similar engineering support and maintenance activities with no significant differences.)
Single Subgroup: No significant differences in process implementation, based on an evaluation of sampling factors, were noted.Sampling Factor Values: All projects (Single Subgroup): All Amyx projects
No Projects (Single Subgroup): Null value to enable SAS entry of a single subgroupSubgroups: Amyx Engineering Projects: Engineering Support Projects
68 People, 6 Basic Units
– All projects