CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 4年前 (2020-02-06) 758次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
Remote Applications Development and Maintenance Projects
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Feb 07, 2020
Lead Appraiser:
Ramiro Carballo
Eduardo Martín
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: There are five locations in this OU. Madrid, Seville, Barcelona, Lisbon and Mexico DF are the centers of software development inside of BABEL. The people in these centers are integrated in several teams. CUBO Methodology is used in the five development sites. So, location is not a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work.)
Customer (Not Relevant: All projects are executed in the Development & Maintenance Centers. All projects follow CUBO Methodology. In the case a customer require adding new practices to the method, this project should follow a tayloring guide. So, customer is not a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work.)
Size: Relevant: Work is performed differently based on the size of the software projects or the maintenance requests. Minor changes are managed as corrective or maintenance activities in the software maintenance service, while others are considered enhances and evolving projects.
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: All projects inside the Development use CUBO Methodology. These centers are inside the Operations Department of BABEL. So, organizational structure is not a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work.)
Type of Work: Relevant: Type of work is a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work, considering the following types of work: software development, maintenance services and professional services.
Lifecycle: Relevant: Life Cycle is a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work (Type of Life Cycle used in the project.)
Sampling Factor Values: Small (Size): Small changes are requested to solve little problems inside a software maintenance service. A request is considered small if the estimated duration is less than 200 hours.
Large (Size): A set of product features or large change requests are the base of software development or maintenance projects, developed by request of the customer. The estimated duration is more than 200 hours
Software Development (Type of Work): Set of tasks to build a software product during an established time.
Maintenance Services (Type of Work): A service to manage the delivery of a set of change requests over an existing software product.
Professional Services (Type of Work): Time and material service based in skills categories.
Agile (Lifecycle): Project management method is based in SCRUM or other kind of agile practices.
Traditional (Lifecycle): Project management activities are based in traditional methodologies.
Agile Development Projects: Software projects managed with SCRUM or other kind of agile practices.
78 People, 8 Basic Units
– Large
– Software Development
– Agile
Traditional Development Projects: New development software projects and software maintenance requests which are estimated in more than 200 hours of effort.
142 People, 20 Basic Units
– Traditional
– Software Development
– Large

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