CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 11年前 (2014-03-27) 379次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
Software Development and Quality Management divisions
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Mar 28, 2014
Lead Appraiser:
Hiroshi Kobayashi
Takanori Inoue
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: There is no effect on the behavior and practices used by the projects. XCAT has two offices; in Tokyo and Sendai. The lead appraiser has talked with the sponsor, the appraisal coordinator and confirmed that the location would not make any meaning difference in the deployed processes.)
Customer: Customers in “finance” and “public” industries require more tailoring than customers in other industries because they tend to have their own processes.
Size (Not Relevant: There is no effect on the behavior and practices used by the projects. The lead appraiser has checked the contents of the standard process and talked with the appraisal coordinator and confirmed that the project size would not make any meaning difference in the deployed processes.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: There is no effect on the behavior and practices used by the projects. The lead appraiser has talked with the sponsor, the appraisal coordinator, and found that defining subgroups using “organizational structure” would be redundant with the sampling factor of “customer” because the organization structure in XCAT is based on the industries of customers.)
Type of Work: There are two standard development mothods with diffrent life cycles; for “waterfall development” and “business inteligence application development” .
Sampling Factor Values: Fin (Customer): Customers in finance industry (in the Financial Business Division)
Pub (Customer): Customers in public industry (in the Government & Public Business Division)
Other (Customer): Customers in other industries (in the Corporate Business Division)
WF (Type of Work): Use waterfall development method
BI (Type of Work): Use business intelligence application development method
Subgroups: Fin/WF: Projects for customers in finance industry, using waterfall method
198 People, 33 Basic Units
– Fin
– WF
Pub/WF: Projects for customers in public industry, using waterfall method
145 People, 29 Basic Units
– WF
– Pub
Other/WF: Projects for customers in other industries, using waterfall method
101 People, 36 Basic Units
– Other
– WF
Other/BI: Projects for customers in other industries, using waterfall method
19 People, 4 Basic Units
– BI
– Other

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