Deloitte Shared Services India LLP-2018-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 7年前 (2018-02-08) 433次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Deloitte Shared Services India LLP
Organizational Unit:
IFS – IT Operations and Infrastructure Support
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Feb 09, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
Alok Goswami
Vinayak Muzumdar
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The delivery of Services and co-ordination is through the location at Mumbai, India. Hence, the location is not differentiator for IFS – IT Operations and Infrastructure Support and does not make a material difference to the way processes are applied.)
Customer (Not Relevant: For the OU – IFS – IT Operations and Infrastructure Support, all the customers are internal and require Services and IT Support in the Infrastructure and Operations environment. Hence, the customer type does not lead to any differentiation in process implementation.)
Size: There are differences in the way processes are executed depending on whether the basic unit (Service Team) is Large, Medium or Small in size. The sizing construct is: 1) Large > 15 Resources 2) Medium: 5-14 Resources 3) Small: 4 or less Resources. The difference in size leads to some differences in processes, particularly affecting WP, WMC, SD, CAM, IRP, DAR and IWM process areas.
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: OU is located in a single location (Mumbai) with a single management structure under the CIO. Thus Organisational Structure is not a differentiator and does not make any material difference to the way processes are applied to execute work.)
Type of Work: IFS – IT Operations and Infrastructure Support executes three types of Services that leads to differences in the application of processes. The three types of Services involve: a) Anti-Virus Support b) End-User Support c) Server and Network Management. The type of work leads to some differences in processes, particularly affecting REQM, WP, WMC, RSKM, IRP, MA, SD, SST and IWM process areas.
Sampling Factor Values: Small Size (Size): These are basic units that involve a team size of 4 or less resources.
Medium Size (Size): These are basic units that involve a team size between 5 and 14 resources.
Anti-Virus Support (Type of Work): These are basic units that involve providing Anti-Virus Support related Services. The Anti-Virus Support involves detection, prevention and resolution of virus related attacks in a timely manner.
End-User Support (Type of Work): These are basic units that involve Services related to End-User Support. The End-User Support involves processing, managing and closing the IT incidents and service requests raised by practitioners and users.
Server and Network Management (Type of Work): These are basic units that involve Service Delivery and Support related to management of servers and networks.
Subgroups: Anti-Virus Support, Small Size: Involves basic units that provide Anti-Virus Support related Services. The Anti-Virus Support involves detection, prevention and resolution of virus related attacks in a timely manner. The team size involves 4 or less resources.
3 People, 1 Basic Units
– Small Size
– Anti-Virus Support
End-User Support, Medium Size: Involves basic units that provide Services related to End-User Support. The End-User Support involves processing, managing and closing the IT incidents and service requests raised by practitioners and users. The team size can range from 5-14 resources.
9 People, 1 Basic Units
– End-User Support
– Medium Size
Server and Network Management, Medium Size: Involves basic units that provide Service Delivery and Support related to management of servers and networks. The team size can range from 5-14 resources.
6 People, 1 Basic Units
– Medium Size
– Server and Network Management

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