Organization Name:
(组织名称) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
(组织名称) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) Transportation Information Systems Department and Traction Systems Department, Itami Works
(组织单位) Transportation Information Systems Department and Traction Systems Department, Itami Works
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 2
(成熟度) Maturity Level 2
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) Mar 07, 2014
(评估结束日期) Mar 07, 2014
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Yuji Nimura
(主任评估师) Yuji Nimura
(发起人) Masayuki Masuda
(发起人) Masayuki Masuda
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The OU is on a single site.)
Customer (Not Relevant: The processes to interact with customers are conducted following same rules depending on the products.)
Size (Not Relevant: The size of projects is not major factor because it depends on its target product.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Difference of organizational structure depends on its target product.)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Detail of development, organizational structure, and size of projects depend on target products.)
Target product: The size and the difference among processes of projects depend on its target product.Sampling Factor Values: Propulsion Systems (Target product): Software to control the propulsion systems of electric trains
Brake Systems (Target product): Software to control the brake systems of electric trains
Train Information Systems (Target product): Software to monitor and control information of electric trains
Train Depot Management Systems (Target product): Software to tmonitor and control rain depot management systemsSubgroups: PS: This subgroup performs to design, implement and test the software to control the propulsion systems of electric trains. The rule of Software design, implementation and testing is explained in the common procedure of subgroup.
40 People, 5 Basic Units
– Propulsion Systems
BS: This subgroup performs to design, implement and test the software to control the brake systems of electric trains. The rule of Software design, implementation and testing is explained in the common procedure of subgroup.
12 People, 1 Basic Units
– Brake Systems
TIS: This subgroup performs to design, implement and test the software to control the Train Information equipment of electric trains. The rule of Software design, implementation and testing is explained in the common procedure of subgroup.
64 People, 2 Basic Units
– Train Information Systems
TDMS: This subgroup performs to design, implement and test the software to control the Train Depot Management Systems. The rule of Software design, implementation and testing is explained in the common procedure of subgroup.
7 People, 2 Basic Units
– Train Depot Management Systems