HCL Training and Staffing Services Private Limited-2018-CMMI

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 6年前 (2018-04-26) 455次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
HCL Training and Staffing Services Private Limited
Organizational Unit:
Training and Staffing services delivered from Chennai, Noida, Madurai and Lucknow
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Apr 27, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
Sankaran Venkataramani
Srimathi Shivashankar
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: As the Organizational Unit has established common workforce processes & operational policies as part of Organizational Management System (OMS) that is implemented across 4 locations (Chennai, Madurai, Noida and Lucknow) with no variations. Centralized team from Chennai HCL TSS office has extended members across locations to ensure OMS is consistently followed. Basic units across locations perform work pertaining to part of overall HR process lifecycle with members spreading across locations)
Customer (Not Relevant: As the Organizational unit serves only one customer HCL Technologies Internal staffs. Basic units provides services to internal staffs of HCL Technologies)
Size (Not Relevant: As the size does not differentiate the work being performed. Set of standard Workforce / HR practices & Operational processes being used do not differ based on size. Work performed based on common OU level Workforce / HR management system do not differ based on size and therefore this has no bearing or distinction on the process execution. Also irrespective of size all the basic units in the Organizational unit are required to follow & implement OU defined Workforce / HR policies & processes)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Organizational Structure sampling factor is subsumed in Type of work sampling factors that defines the way different work type being organized as part of the Organizational Unit)
Type of Work: As there are three different types of work covering Training, Sourcing and Lateral Hiring. Processes used differ across these types of work
Sampling Factor Values: Training (Type of Work): The focus of this function is to 1)meet the demand for various skills at the entry level by training them . 2)Ensuring skilling that can be fungible are identified at the demand stage 3)Monitoring assimilation continuously from Classroom to deployed state in order to continuously feed in improvements to pedagogy and coverage
Sourcing (Type of Work): • Hiring of freshers from outside – with the controls of %age and local affinity eligibility. No hiring to happen within the campus – everything to be run from HCL offices • Promote “stay rooted” concept
Lateral Hiring (Type of Work): • Hiring of experienced resources from the market. Skills and technology requirements are received from business teams and all the interviews / selections are done by respective project team members only • Salary grid to be compliant with the norms and offer duration to be met with expectations from business • Promote “come back home” concept
Subgroups: SG1 Training: The focus of this type of work is to 1)meet the demand for various skills at the entry level by training them . 2)Ensuring skilling that can be fungible are identified at the demand stage 3)Monitoring assimilation continuously from Classroom to deployed state in order to continuously feed in improvements to pedagogy and coverage
34 People, 1 Basic Units
– Training
SG2 Sourcing: This function focuses on Hiring of freshers from outside – with the controls of %age and local affinity eligibility. No hiring to happen within the campus – everything to be run from HCL offices and Promote “stay rooted” concept
23 People, 1 Basic Units
– Sourcing
SG3 Lateral Hiring: This function focuses on Hiring of experienced resources from the market. Skills and technology requirements are received from business teams and all the interviews / selections are done by respective project team members only, Salary grid to be compliant with the norms and offer duration to be met with expectations from business and Promote “come back home” concept
21 People, 1 Basic Units
– Lateral Hiring

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