Jiangsu Fablesoft Co., Ltd.-2017-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 8年前 (2017-07-30) 822次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Jiangsu Fablesoft Co., Ltd.
Organizational Unit:
Development Division
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Jul 31, 2017
Lead Appraiser:
Hasan Syed Niaz
Ben Gu
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Only one location exists for the Development Division so there is no impact on where the projects are developed. All processes are applied at this location. [Not Relevant])
Customer (Not Relevant: The type of customer does not impact the way work is performed for any type of customer. All processes are implemented accordingly in a similar fashion for any customer. [Not Relevant.])
Size (Not Relevant: All processes are implemented at organizational unit level. All processes remain applicable regardless of size as such aggregate size (FTE/PTE) of each project is around nine staff members. These processes do not differentiate project because of their size. [Not Relevant.])
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Development Division is where all the projects are developed. Standardized processes are used accordingly so org structure does not impact the way work is performed. [Not Relevant])
Type of Work: There are two types of work. (1) Database Management Systems (DBMS)) => The DBMS development type of projects emphasizes on the scalability and testing of the platform in Different Environment, Platforms and Security. (2) Transmission Management Systems (TMS)) => The TMS Development type of projects focuses on Users Requirements, System Requirements, Interfaces Requirements and Data Fidelity. [Relevant]
Sampling Factor Values: DBMS (Type of Work): DBMS => The database management and development type of projects emphasize on the scalability and testing of the platform in Different Environment, Platforms and Security regardless of size of FTEs/PTEs.
TMS (Type of Work): TMS => The Transmission Management System type of projects focuses on Users Requirements, System Requirements, Interfaces Requirements and Data Fidelity regardless of size of FTEs/PTEs.
Subgroups: TMS: TMS => The Transmission Management System type of projects focuses on Users Requirements, System Requirements, Interfaces Requirements and Data Fidelity regardless of size of FTEs/PTEs.
10 People, 1 Basic Units
DBMS: DBMS => The database management and development type of projects emphasize on the scalability and testing of the platform in Different Environment, Platforms and Security regardless of size of FTEs/PTEs.
18 People, 2 Basic Units

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