Organization Name:
(组织名称) Jiangsu Federal Information Technology CO.,ltd.
(组织名称) Jiangsu Federal Information Technology CO.,ltd.
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) Technology Department
(组织单位) Technology Department
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) May 28, 2020
(评估结束日期) May 28, 2020
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Mariana Obregon
(主任评估师) Mariana Obregon
(发起人) Haibing Li
(发起人) Haibing Li
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: This factor is not applicable because there is no tailoring specific to the location that affects the implementation of the processes.) Customer (Not Relevant: This factor does not apply because it does not involve tailoring affecting the implementation of the processes by customer type.)
Size (Not Relevant: This factor is not relevant. All the projects have similar sizes.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: This factor is not applicable because all projects belong to “Technology Department”.)
Type of Work: This factor is relevant. They have software customized development and maintenance projects. Their tailoring guidelines are defined by affecting the implementation of the processes by type of work.
Sampling Factor Values: Customized (Type of Work): Customized Development Projects Maintenance (Type of Work): Maintenance Projects
Subgroups: Group 1: Development Projects: Customized development based on customer requirements with a waterfall life cycle.
24 People, 3 Basic Units
– Customized