Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) R&D Center
(组织单位) R&D Center
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 5
(成熟度) Maturity Level 5
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) Apr 12, 2018
(评估结束日期) Apr 12, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Dylan Ren
(主任评估师) Dylan Ren
(发起人) Kun Qiu
(发起人) Kun Qiu
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All of the project teams are located in Hangzhou. They develop the similar software and follow the same organizational processes. So the location has no impact on the process implementation.)
Customer (Not Relevant: The customers are similar type. They follow the same organizational processes, so the customer has no impact on the process implementation.)
Size (Not Relevant: All of the projects are the similar size, so the project size has no impact on processes implementation.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: There are three development divisions in the OU. The core activities of a project are performed in these divisions. The support activities are performed in the management department. For different projects, they follow the same processes. So the org structure has no impact on the processes.)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: They are all application software development, the same process is followed.)
Software development: As all of the projects follow the same processes, it is needed to create another subgroup for SAS.Sampling Factor Values: DCS product development (Software development): All projects are DCS product development.
Null (Software development): The subgroup was created only for SAS requirements.Subgroups: DCS product development: All projects are DCS product development.
120 People, 10 Basic Units
– DCS product development