Organization Name:
(组织名称) AZERTIA TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN MÉXICO, S.A. de C.V. Una empresa del Grupo Indra
(组织名称) AZERTIA TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN MÉXICO, S.A. de C.V. Una empresa del Grupo Indra
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) CDS (Major Enhancements and New Developments for the SDMA3 Contract)
(组织单位) CDS (Major Enhancements and New Developments for the SDMA3 Contract)
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) Apr 19, 2013
(评估结束日期) Apr 19, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Jose Luis Iparraguirre
(主任评估师) Jose Luis Iparraguirre
(发起人) Jesus Romero Barrera
(发起人) Jesus Romero Barrera
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All the developments are assigned to the same team, working together at AZERTIA’s facilities.)
Customer (Not Relevant: The developments in the scope of the appraisal are for a single customer.)
Size (Not Relevant: Only Major Enhancements over 401 m*h and New Developments are considered.)
Organizational Structure: The two groups within the organization are taking over independent subsets of applications, resulting in independent groups for negotiating the set of deliverables to be produced from the side of the customer.
Type of Work: New Developments (new applications) require the development, from scratch of the complete inventory of documents of the applications; whilst Major Enhancements may require different scope of support, depending on the functionality affectedSampling Factor Values: Group 1 (Organizational Structure): Group 1 is responsible for developing the set of applications for: Accounting, Declarations and Payments and Cross Apllication Common Services
Group 2 (Organizational Structure): Group 2 is responsible for developing the set of applications for: Tax Payer Identification, Tax Collection, Security and General Services to the Tax Payer
New Developments (Type of Work): The group consists of the activities for developing brand new applications for the SAT
Major Enhancements (Type of Work): The group consists of the requirements of enhancements to existing applications with effort involved larger than 401 m*hSubgroups: 1. MEG1: Development of new functionalities to the existing applications of the SAT, by the Development Group 1
50 People, 10 Basic Units
– Group 1
– Major Enhancements
2. NDG1: Development of new applications for the SAT, by the Development Group 1.
20 People, 1 Basic Units
– Group 1
– New Developments
3. MEG2: Development of new functionalities to the existing applications of the SAT, by the Development Group 2
30 People, 6 Basic Units
– Group 2
– Major Enhancements