Beijing Actionsoft Co., LTD-2020-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 5年前 (2020-01-19) 515次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Beijing Actionsoft Co., LTD
Organizational Unit:
Operating Platform and R&D Center.
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Jan 20, 2020
Lead Appraiser:
Li Fei
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The company is headquartered in Beijing and has branches in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Qingdao, and Kunming, but processes are not implemented differently.)
Customer (Not Relevant: The customers are mainly about large and medium-sized clients in the fields of military, financial and other industries, and government sectors, and the customer type does not affect the development of the software products or processes implemented.)
Size (Not Relevant: They classify the projects into Large and Small to Medium size, but the size is not used as a discriminating factor in process selection.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: The organizational structure does not affect the development of the software products or processes implemented.)
Type of Work: The type of work is relevant. The work is done differently depending on the type of work. The processes are implemented differently depending on the type of work performed.
Sampling Factor Values: BPM Development (Type of Work): BPM Development refers primarily to projects that focus on the development of approval processes and are less concerned with the development of business logic content.
Low Code Development (Type of Work): Low Code Development refers primarily to projects that focus on the development of business applications and have a small amount of code that can be developed quickly.
Subgroups: SG1: SG1 can be considered as an approval process development group.
18 People, 13 Basic Units
– BPM Development
SG2: SG2 can be considered as a business application development group.
32 People, 22 Basic Units
– Low Code Development

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