
CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 12年前 (2013-04-18) 638次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
Centurum 31 Contract
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 2
Appraisal End Date:
Apr 19, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
David Dayton
Bradley Geiger
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All deliver order completion effort is in San Diego. As such Location does not identify differentiating subgroups. Location is ruled out as a sampling factor.)
Customer (Not Relevant: There are two primary subgroups Navy and Coast Guard. However, the contract mechanism, customer interface processes, end user needs, and development and service processes are identical for both customers. As such these different customers do not cause any significant differentiating actions within Centurum 31 Contract activities. Customer therefore is ruled out as a sampling factor.)
Size: Large delivery orders are identified as those over $100K and small are those under $100K. This is a differentiating sampling factor with 17 designated as small and 20 designated as large.
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: All Centurum 31 Contract delivery orders have been worked within the same organizational labor and management structure. As such Organizational Structure does not become a differentiating sampling factor.)
Type of Work: There are two types of work (1) Level of Effort delivery orders and (2) Completion delivery orders, totaling 24 and 13 in number respectively. As such this is a differentiating factor for sampling.
Sampling Factor Values: Over $100K (Size): Large Delivery Order
Under $100K (Size): Small Delivery Order
Level of Effort (LoE) (Type of Work): A given type of effort within a Delivery Order, not requiring a pre-defined deliverable or set of deliverables.
Completion (Type of Work): A given type of effort within a Delivery Order, requiring a pre-defined deliverable or set of deliverables.
Subgroups: LL: Large LoE
6 People, 13 Basic Units
– Over $100K
– Level of Effort (LoE)
SL: Small LoE
6 People, 7 Basic Units
– Level of Effort (LoE)
– Under $100K
LC: Large Completion
6 People, 11 Basic Units
– Over $100K
– Completion
SC: Small Completion
6 People, 6 Basic Units
– Completion
– Under $100K

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