Organization Name:
(组织名称) Tendyron Corporation
(组织名称) Tendyron Corporation
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) R&D Center
(组织单位) R&D Center
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) Jan 29, 2016
(评估结束日期) Jan 29, 2016
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Youguo Wang
(主任评估师) Youguo Wang
(发起人) Zhenguo Lin
(发起人) Zhenguo Lin
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Only one location – Beijing.)
Customer (Not Relevant: All customers are banks. The OU perform same types of work using same process set for all customers.)
Size: The OU’s projects are categorized into 3 categories by project size: Large, Medium, and Small. Process implementation may vary because of the project’s size. Also, large-size project is really rare, and will not be included in the appraisal according to the sponsor’s consideration.
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: The OU consists of 5 departments that are separated by function. All projects are performed and managed across these departments, and each department implements some processes of the OSSP. Also, Production Technique Department is responsible for hardware production procedures and techniques. Research Institute is responsible for pre-product technology research. These 2 branches are not included in the appraisal.)
Type of Work: The OU’s development projects are separated into 2 categories by marketing status: Pre-market Product and Customer Product. Pre-market Product projects are initiated internally without specific customer. Customer Product projects are initiated by customer contracts. The process implementation may vary because of this factor. Patch will not be included because it follows a simple process, thus is less meaningful for the process improvement.Sampling Factor Values: Large (Size): Project effort >50 MM
Medium (Size): Project effort 25-50 MM
Small (Size): Project effort < 25=””>
Pre-market Product Project (Type of Work): To create a base-model of product, initiated internally
Customer Product Project (Type of Work): To create a new model of product for specific customer
Patch (Type of Work): To fix defects to the current productSubgroups: SG1: Medium, Pre-market Product
27 People, 2 Basic Units
– Medium
– Pre-market Product Project
SG2: Medium, Customer Product
43 People, 4 Basic Units
– Customer Product Project
– Medium
SG3: Small, Customer Product
27 People, 4 Basic Units
– Small
– Customer Product Project