HPE Enterprise Service-2016-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 9年前 (2016-03-09) 1066次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
HPE Enterprise Service
Organizational Unit:
HPE TennCare Account
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Mar 10, 2016
Lead Appraiser:
Michael Evanoo
Bob Mahan , Dennis Vaughan
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Both DEV and SVC: All work performed in a common location.)
Customer (Not Relevant: Both DEV and SVC: Single customer.)
Size (Not Relevant: Both DEV and SVC: The size of the effort is the primary deciding factor determining the type of work, therefore this factor is captured with Type of Work.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Both DEV and SVC: All parts of OU use the common process sets.)
Type of Work: For DEV: If the work qualifies as a project then the same common process sets are used to perform the project work. If not then the work is handled as a Change Request under Maintenance and Mods. For SVC: Only one service – Claims Processing
Life-cycle: For DEV: There are three types of work performed (reflected in the sampling factors values).
Sampling Factor Values: Projects (Type of Work): Project requirements are above an hours of a development effort limit defined for HPE TennCare
Maintenance and Mods (Type of Work): Change requests for development of the TennCare system which do not qualify within the size limit for projects.
Claims Processing Service (Type of Work): The service performed to complete/resolve claims for TennCare.
Waterfall / Standard (Life-cycle): Waterfall lifecycle for development projects.
Agile (Life-cycle): Development projects performed using Agile and Hybrid Agile lifecycle, methods and tools.
Technical Updates (TUPs) (Life-cycle): Defects identified and requiring development activities and which do not qualify as projects.
Subgroups: Maintenance and Mods – TUPs: Defects resolved as maintenance and mods resolved by the TUP process.
49 People, 36 Basic Units
– Maintenance and Mods
– Agile
Maintenance and Mods – Std: Small development activities performed using waterfall process.
49 People, 64 Basic Units
– Maintenance and Mods
– Waterfall / Standard
Maintenance and Mods – Agile: Small development efforts performed using the agile and hybrid agile lifecycle.
49 People, 37 Basic Units
– Maintenance and Mods
– Agile
Project Waterfall: Development activities qualifying as projects and performed through the waterfall life-cycle.
49 People, 7 Basic Units
– Waterfall / Standard
– Projects
Projects Agile: Development efforts meeting requirements as a project and performed using the agile life-cycle.
49 People, 5 Basic Units
– Projects
– Agile
Claims Processing Service: Process Claims for TennCare
37 People, 1 Basic Units
– Claims Processing Service

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