FEi Systems (FEi.com, Inc.)-2018-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 7年前 (2018-01-11) 680次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
FEi Systems (FEi.com, Inc.)
Organizational Unit:
Information Technology Engineering and Services
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Jan 12, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
Mark Schilling
Joao Blomberg
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: all application development work within the organizational unit is performed in only one geographical location, Columbia, MD and is performed using the standard defined set of organizational processes and procedures from which a project”s defined process is established. Therefore, location does not drive differences in conditions under which work is performed by a basic unit or support function.)
Customer (Not Relevant: all application development work within the organizational unit is performed for U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government agencies and is performed using the standard defined set of organizational processes and procedures from which a projects’ defined process is established. Therefore, customer does not drive differences in conditions under which work is performed by a basic unit or support function.)
Size: application development work within the organizational unit is performed differently based on the size of the basic units or support functions. Team sizes vary from 3 to 50 personnel and consist of the following: • “Small” consists of a project team size of 3 to 15 personnel • “Large” consists of a project team size of 16 to 50 personnel
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: within the organizational unit there is only one organizational structure in which all application development work use the standard defined set of organizational processes and procedures from which a project”s defined process is established. Therefore, organizational structure does not drive differences in conditions under which work is performed by a basic unit or support function.)
Type of Work: application development work within the organizational unit is performed differently based on the following “type of work”: • “Scrum” work utilizes a type of Agile Method with sprints released about every two to four weeks • “Hybrid” is an application development method that combines elements of the Waterfall and Agile Scrum software development lifecycle methods
Sampling Factor Values: Small (Size): consists of a project team size of 3 to 15 personnel
Large (Size): consists of a project team size of 16 to 50 personnel
Scrum (Type of Work): utilizes a type of Agile Method with sprints released about every two to four weeks. For each sprint, a group of enhancement or maintenance work items are prioritized and packaged into sprint iterations.
Hybrid (Type of Work): is an application development method that combines elements of the Waterfall and Agile Scrum software development lifecycle methods. Typically application development activities include planning, requirements analysis, design, implementation, peer reviews, testing, and deployment of product components to a production environment.
Subgroups: Small, Scrum: The Scrum method is used to package work items into sprints that are deployed every two to four weeks to U.S. Government customers. Work is performed at FEi in Columbia MD by Small project teams.
71 People, 9 Basic Units
– Small
– Scrum
Large, Scrum: The Scrum method is used to package work items into sprints that are deployed every two to four weeks to U.S. Government customers. Work is performed at FEi in Columbia MD by Large project teams.
90 People, 3 Basic Units
– Scrum
– Large
Small, Hybrid: The Hybrid application development method is used over multiple phases to deliver additional or revised functionality with each successive release to U.S. Government customers. Typically application development activities include planning, requirements analysis, design, implementation, peer reviews, testing, and deployment of product components to a production environment. Work is performed at FEi in Columbia MD by a Small project team.
7 People, 1 Basic Units
– Small
– Hybrid
Large, Hybrid: The Hybrid application development method is used over multiple phases to deliver additional or revised functionality with each successive release to U.S. Government customers. Typically application development activities include planning, requirements analysis, design, implementation, peer reviews, testing, and deployment of product components to a production environment. Work is performed at FEi in Columbia MD by a Large project team.
50 People, 1 Basic Units
– Hybrid
– Large

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