Guangdong Honebay Fintech Information Technology Co., L

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 6年前 (2018-06-14) 692次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Guangdong Honebay Fintech Information Technology Co., Ltd
Organizational Unit:
R&D Department
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Jun 15, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
David Arteaga Gil
Haibing Liu
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The OU has two offices, one in the city of ZhuHai and the other in the city of Guangzhou, province of Guangdong, China. Part of the development team is in one city and part of the development team is in another city. They work as a unique team no matter its location. This is not a relevant sampling factor.)
Customer: There are two types of customers: government and enterprise.
Size (Not Relevant: No effect on implementation. Each project has usually 5 project members.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: No effect on implementation. The scope of the appraisal is the R&D Department. The entire team of the OU belong to the same unit.)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: No effect on implementation. All the projects are software development projects, they are Java projects, and follow the same software life cycle.)
Sampling Factor Values: government (Customer): projects for the Chinese government which implements services for monitoring companies
enterprise (Customer): projects which implement financial services
Subgroups: Government projects: projects for the Chinese government which implements services for monitoring companies
10 People, 2 Basic Units
– government
Enterprise projects: projects for the enterprises non-government financial institutions which implement financial services
11 People, 3 Basic Units
– enterprise

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