Jiangsu HengAnFangXin Techmology Co. Ltd-2013-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 12年前 (2013-01-10) 508次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Jiangsu HengAnFangXin Techmology Co. Ltd
Organizational Unit:
Jiangsu HengAnFangXin Technology - R&D Department
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Jan 11, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
Kieran Doyle
Jianming Zhou
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All products are developed in the Nanjing Office.)
Customer (Not Relevant: The products are developed as generic items. Currently no customer differentiation occurs.)
Size: From discussion it is clear that the organisation uses the size of work as a means to differentiate projects and to select tailoring options. At present 3 sizes groups are defined; SMALL, MEDIUM & LARGE. However, the SMALL category has never been used and the org is looking at its removal as most of the projects that border this category end up being MEDIUM projects. Thus we decided to treat the size sampling factor as if it had only 2 values (LARGE & MEDIUM) as this reflects actual practice.
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: All projects are conducted within the one department (R&D Department). There is no impact from organisational structure on project differentiation.)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: All projects are classified as using similar tools and methods, and are deemed to be the same type of work.)
Sampling Factor Values: LARGE (Size): Peak Team Size >8. Project Duration > 5 months
MEDIUM (Size): Peak Team Size = 5 – 8 Project Duration = 3 – 5 months.
Subgroups: MEDIUM: Peak Team Size = 5 – 8 Project Duration = 3 – 5 months.
25 People, 2 Basic Units
LARGE: Peak Team Size >8. Project Duration > 5 months
23 People, 2 Basic Units

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