Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) Software Projects at Operations Unit
(组织单位) Software Projects at Operations Unit
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) Jan 19, 2018
(评估结束日期) Jan 19, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Ramiro Carballo
(主任评估师) Ramiro Carballo
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Not Relevant: Location is not a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work because there is only one development method. Even there are members of the same development team in different locations.)
Customer (Not Relevant: Not Relevant: Customer is not a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work. Implemental Systems establishes the development method, because it assumes the risk of the project.)
Size: Work is performed differently according to the effort and other additional criteria. It can be considered as simplified (less than 120 hours) or complex (more than 120 hours).
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Not Relevant: All projects inside the Operations Unit of Implemental Systems are covered by the corporate method. So, organizational structure is not a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work.)
Type of Work: Type of work is a determining or distinguishing factor affecting the implementation or performance of work, considering several lifecycles to several types of products.Sampling Factor Values: Simplified (Size): It is a type of project which, according on the effort (less than 120 hours) and additional criteria, is considered as simplified and has a simple setting.
Complex (Size): It is a type of project which, according on the effort (more than 120 hours) and additional criteria, is considered as complex and has a complete setting.
V-Lifecycle (Type of Work): Traditional Lifecycle based in cascade phasing
Standard Product (Type of Work): It is a lifecycle where a standard product is implanted “out of the box” with several additional developments
Incremental Development (Type of Work): agile development approach, where a set of functionalities are packed and delivered as end result of an iteration on top of the result of previous iterations
Software Maintenance (Type of Work): corrective development as maintenance service of a given set of applications and software, that may or may not have been developed by our company. The service level delivered under this lifecycle type depends on the contract scope.
Prototype (Type of Work): agile development approach of a reduced set of requirements, where a limited number of development iterations are executed, with the goal of achieving a functional and/or demonstrable version of the software in a short time-span.Subgroups: Complex V-Lifecycle: Traditional Livecycle based in cascade phasing and according on the effort and additional criteria, is considered as complex
12 People, 2 Basic Units
– Complex
– V-Lifecycle
Simplified Standard Product: A standard product is implanted “out of the box” with several additional developments
1 People, 1 Basic Units
– Standard Product
– Simplified