FISERV India Pvt. Ltd-2013-CMMI5

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 12年前 (2013-02-05) 442次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
FISERV India Pvt. Ltd
Organizational Unit:
IT delivery from NOIDA and Pune locations
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 5
Appraisal End Date:
Feb 06, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
Gururaj Managuli
Shrihari Gokhale
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Not relevant. Multi locations – but work performed is similar an seamless with same project sometimes spanning both locations. Not a critical sampling factor; However, both NOIDA and PUNE location projects will be considered selecting the projects as coverage factor.)
Customer (Not Relevant: Not relevant. Projects are broadly based on QMS and minor differences taken care of by tailoring; Not a critical sampling factor.)
Size (Not Relevant: Size does not have any significant impact on how work gets done other than some tailoring)
Organizational Structure: Organization has different groups which is likely to have influence on the process and outcomes.
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Not considered relevant. There are Development, Maintenance and Testing type of projects. However, the sponsor”s focus is on Development projects. Hence this is not considered as critical sampling factor for formulating subgroups. However, all types of projects will be considered for sampling while selecting the projects.)
Sampling Factor Values: DIS (Organizational Structure): Depository Institution Services (DIS) projects
Divestitures (Organizational Structure): Divestitures and Corporate Functions projects
DPS (Organizational Structure): Digital Payment Solutions(DPS) Projects
FIG (Organizational Structure): Financial Institutions Group(FIG) projects
Subgroups: DIS: Projects for DIS unit
741 People, 31 Basic Units
Divestitures: Projects for Divestitures unit
77 People, 6 Basic Units
– Divestitures
DPS: Projects for DPS unit
291 People, 22 Basic Units
FIG: Projects within FIG unit
483 People, 36 Basic Units

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