Insec (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. & Yunnan Insec Tec

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 6年前 (2019-04-25) 777次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Insec (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. & Yunnan Insec Technologies Co., Ltd.
Organizational Unit:
R&D Center
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Apr 26, 2019
Lead Appraiser:
SeongUck Richard Nam
chunying zhou
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All projects in-scope is performed at the same location, R&D Center.)
Customer (Not Relevant: This organization has a few customers, and it doesn’t impact to the application of processes and those processes are consistent across different customers. Regardless of customers, processes used are same and consistent across this organization.)
Size: Projects in this organization are categorized in the following sizes based on complexity and effort involved: • Small size < 10=”” fte=”” •=”” large=”” size=””> 10 FTE According to the size of project, lots of tailoring options should be considered. Quality Assurance team and Project Managers apply a different set of processes for project depending on the size of a project.
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: There are only two teams in OU. Organizational structure does not impact to way processes are applied by the project. All projects are developed by Development team and supported by Development Supporting Team.)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Projects in this organization have similar functions and features about sonar or radio communication system. Regardless of type of work, processes used are same and consistent across this organization.)
Sampling Factor Values: Large (Size): Projects with the following sizes based on complexity and effort involved: • Large size => 10 FTE
Small (Size): Projects with the following sizes based on complexity and effort involved: • Small size < 10=””>
Subgroups: Large pjt: Projects with the size more than 10 FTE
22 People, 2 Basic Units
– Large
Small pjt: Projects with the size less than 10 FTE
10 People, 2 Basic Units
– Small

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