Organization Name:
(组织名称) Institute for Information Industry
(组织名称) Institute for Information Industry
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute
(组织单位) Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 2
(成熟度) Maturity Level 2
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) Jan 21, 2020
(评估结束日期) Jan 21, 2020
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) Steven Hu
(主任评估师) Steven Hu
(发起人) Victor Tsan
(发起人) Victor Tsan
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: This factor is determined as “Not affected”, because, all projects are located in Taipei, Taiwan)
Customer: A) Government. B) Public.
Size (Not Relevant: This factor is determined as “Not affected”, because, only Large size projects are included in the appraisal.)
Organizational Structure: A) New Business Development Center (NBDC). B) IT & Electronics Industry Research Center (ITEIRC). C) Smart Technology and Networking Research Center (STNRC) D) Innovative Applications and Smart Services Research Center (IASSRC) E) Business Development & Service Center (BDSC)
Type of Work: A) Market intelligence research (MIR). B) Market intelligence consulting service (MICS). C) Market intelligence research + Market intelligence consulting service (MIR+MICS)Sampling Factor Values: Government (Customer): The projects are entrusted by government agencies of Taiwan.
Public (Customer): The projects providing market intelligence consulting services to personal or organizational customers, including membership, conference, database, consulting etc. The processes of REQM, SD, WP and MA might differ.
New Business Development Center (NBDC) (Organizational Structure): The projects of every center follow the same processes. However, the management style of different directors might be different. Therefore the Organizational Structure factor is identified as an affected factor. The processes of WP, WMC, MA and CM might be affected.
IT & Electronics Industry Research Center (ITEIRC) (Organizational Structure): The projects of every center follow the same processes. However, the management style of different directors might be different. Therefore the Organizational Structure factor is identified as an affected factor. The processes of WP, WMC, MA and CM might be affected.
Smart Technology and Networking Research Center (STNRC) (Organizational Structure): The projects of every center follow the same processes. However, the management style of different directors might be different. Therefore the Organizational Structure factor is identified as an affected factor. The processes of WP, WMC, MA and CM might be affected.
Innovative Applications and Smart Services Research Center (IASSRC) (Organizational Structure): The projects of every center follow the same processes. However, the management style of different directors might be different. Therefore the Organizational Structure factor is identified as an affected factor. The processes of WP, WMC, MA and CM might be affected.
Business Development & Service Center (BDSC) (Organizational Structure): The projects of every center follow the same processes. However, the management style of different directors might be different. Therefore the Organizational Structure factor is identified as an affected factor. The processes of WP, WMC, MA and CM might be affected.
Market intelligence research (MIR) (Type of Work): The projects focus on market intelligence research works.
Market intelligence consulting service (MICS) (Type of Work): The projects provide market intelligence consulting services. The processes of SD, WP, REQM, MA and CM will differ.
Market intelligence research + Market intelligence consulting service (MIR+MICS) (Type of Work): The project of IASSRC combines both Market intelligence research and Market intelligence consulting service in one project. The processes of both work types are all included in one project.Subgroups: SG 1: The MISC projects in BDSC
13 People, 1 Basic Units
– Public
– Business Development & Service Center (BDSC)
– Market intelligence consulting service (MICS)
SG 2: The government entrusted MIR+MISC projects in IASSRC
13 People, 1 Basic Units
– Market intelligence research + Market intelligence consulting service (MIR+MICS)
– Innovative Applications and Smart Services Research Center (IASSRC)
– Government
SG 3: The government entrusted MIR projects in STNRC
13 People, 2 Basic Units
– Government
– Smart Technology and Networking Research Center (STNRC)
– Market intelligence research (MIR)
SG 4: The government entrusted MIR projects in NBDC
11 People, 1 Basic Units
– Market intelligence research (MIR)
– New Business Development Center (NBDC)
– Government
SG 5: The government entrusted MIR projects in ITEIRC
17 People, 2 Basic Units
– Government
– IT & Electronics Industry Research Center (ITEIRC)
– Market intelligence research (MIR)