JiangXi Linkstart Network & Technology Co. Ltd-2015-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 9年前 (2015-11-29) 464次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
JiangXi Linkstart Network & Technology Co. Ltd
Organizational Unit:
Product R&D Center
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Nov 30, 2015
Lead Appraiser:
Lester Stamnas
Wang Kangyi
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Not Relevant: All Basic Units within the R&D Center perform their tasking at the NanChang city site. As such, there are not differences in implementation in terms of location.)
Customer (Not Relevant: There is no development differences based on customer (internal or external). Therefore, this sampling factor is not relevant.)
Size (Not Relevant: All projects to date are Type B, medium size. Between 3 to 50 months 3000-20,000 loc or 300-5,000 FP -No Type A=less than 3 months, 3,000 loc or 300 FP or less-small -No Type C=greater than 50 months, 20,000 loc or 5000 FP)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Not Relevant: All the basic units fit within the same R&D Center reporting to same Sr Manager. No differences among projects in org reporting)
Type of Work: H/W: TS process=Hardware with embedded software: High-level design for hardware and embedded software, and low-level design for embedded software. Ver process= verification includes unit tests for embedded software and hardware inspection and performance testing for both hardware and embedded software, SAM process, inspection against requirements prior integration. S/W: TS=Software uses both high-level design and low level design Ver process- code reviews.
Sampling Factor Values: Type B – Software (Type of Work): S/W: TS=Software uses both high-level design and low level design Ver process- code reviews.
Type B – Hardware (Type of Work): H/W: TS process=Hardware with embedded software: High-level design for hardware and embedded software, and low-level design for embedded software. Ver process= verification includes unit tests for embedded software and hardware inspection and performance testing for both hardware and embedded software, SAM process, inspection against requirements prior integration.
Subgroups: Type B Hardware: Hardware & embedded systems, type B, waterfall
12 People, 2 Basic Units
– Type B – Hardware
Type B – Software: Waterfall type B, software only
17 People, 3 Basic Units
– Type B – Software

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