(组织名称) People Media S.A. de C.V, Process Management Solution S.A. de C.V., (Grupo PM Soluciones)
(组织单位) People Media (Technologies Direction), Process Management and Solutions (Consultancy Services)
(成熟度) Maturity Level 5
(评估结束日期) Sep 16, 2020
(主任评估师) Viviana L. Rubinstein
(发起人) Marisol Gonzalez
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: This factor is not applicable because there is no tailoring specific to the location that affects the implementation of the processes. All the projects and services are located in Mexico.) Customer (Not Relevant: This factor does not apply because the processes do not depend on the customers of the project/services. The organization delivers projects and services to several customers based on a common set of processes.)
Size (Not Relevant: This factor does not apply because there is no variation in the processes followed due the effort, size or duration of the project/service.)
Organizational Structure: This factor is relevant. The organizational structure involves People Media (Technologies Direction) and Process Management and Solutions (Consultancy Services) divisions, there are different processes regarding the business unit division.
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Although there are different types of work, the methods used do not depend on the type of work, the methods used do not depend on the type of work they are realized but on the type of organizational structure; therefore this sampling factor is not relevant.)
Sampling Factor Values: People Media (Organizational Structure): Technologies Direction Division Process Management and Solutions (Organizational Structure): Consultancy Services Division
Subgroups: TechDir: Accompanying the client in the development of business strategies, supported by integral solutions that accelerate the adoption of the best practices in their industry and guarantee the return of investment in an agile way, reaching real solutions to their global objectives.
18 People, 3 Basic Units
– People MediaConsSer: Specialized expert consulting in enabling best practices and world-class standards in Processes and Information Technologies.
46 People, 3 Basic Units
– Process Management and Solutions