Performant Financial Corporation-2019-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 5年前 (2019-02-27) 487次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Performant Financial Corporation
Organizational Unit:
Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Commercial Repayment Center (CRC)
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Feb 28, 2019
Lead Appraiser:
Rick Gibson
Simeon Kohl
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The project work is performed in different locations; however, location is not a determining factor with respect to process implementation because all work is accomplished under the same policies and standard operating procedures.)
Customer (Not Relevant: The project is for a single customer – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Customer is not a determining factor with respect to process implementation because all work is accomplished under the same policies and standard operating procedures.)
Size (Not Relevant: The organizational elements / support groups vary in staff size; however, size is not a determining factor because all work is accomplished under the same policies and standard operating procedures.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: The project is comprised of multiple organizational elements / support groups all reporting to the Project Director; as such, this is not a determining factor because all work is accomplished under the same policies and standard operating procedures.)
Type of Work: All the work involves coordination of benefits and recovery of non-group health plan Medicare funds for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), so type of work is not a determining factor because all work is accomplished under the same policies and standard operating procedures. This sampling factor is judged to apply because SAS requires the identification of at least one valid sampling factor.
Sampling Factor Values: All Projects (Type of Work): All Projects
No Projects (Type of Work): No Projects
Subgroups: All Projects: Contains all projects
131 People, 1 Basic Units
– All Projects

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