CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 12年前 (2013-06-18) 737次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Organizational Unit:
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Jun 19, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
John Hostetler
Samuel Fagone , Mark Thompson
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Only projects located at Ft. Knox were considered.)
Customer (Not Relevant: One main group of customers supported within this OU – Army Recruiting.)
Size: SDLC-Size. There are three (3) distinct SDLC-sizing values surrounding project/work efforts.
Organizational Structure: There are four (4) distinct program areas within the OU considered.
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Consistent type of work and similar work products across the OU.)
Sampling Factor Values: Agile-Scrum (Size): SDLC Type and Size for Agile-Scrum (Sprint) efforts.
Waterfall – Large/Medium (a.k.a. Not Small) (Size): SDLC Type and Size for Traditional or Waterfall projects that are large/medium.
Waterfall-Small (Size): SDLC Type and Size for Traditional or Waterfall projects that are small.
ASP (Organizational Structure): Analytics Support Program
CSP (Organizational Structure): Cadet Services Program
HRC-SS (AMRG/HSS) (Organizational Structure): Headquarters Support Systems
RSP (Organizational Structure): Recruiting Support Program
Subgroups: P1A: ASP-Agile. To assist Army organizations at all levels to dramatically improve their decision-making, forecasting, and reporting ability in the Marketing, Accessions, and Personnel Lifecycle arenas, by providing accurate, integrated, accessible, and secure data and information in an easily assimilated form, customized or customizable by the user to support their unique requirements. This subgroup consists mainly of the development and maintenance of Dashboards.
19 People, 1 Basic Units
– Agile-Scrum
P2WnS: CSP Waterfall – Large/Medium (a.k.a. Not Small). To assist Army Senior and Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps organizations at all levels to dramatically improve their decision-making, forecasting, and reporting ability by enabling high school applicants and Active Duty Soldiers to register for and complete an online application for a 4 Year Scholarship as well as enabling the United States Accessions Cadet Command G2 the ability to process applications digitally vs. paper applications
20 People, 3 Basic Units
– Waterfall – Large/Medium (a.k.a. Not Small)
P3WnS: HRC-SS (AMRG/HSS) Waterfall – Large/Medium (a.k.a. Not Small)
17 People, 2 Basic Units
– Waterfall – Large/Medium (a.k.a. Not Small)
P4WnS: RSP Waterfall – Large/Medium (a.k.a. Not Small). Provide effective software solutions for the United States Army Recruiting Command (UASREC). The Army Recruiting Information Support System (ARISS) Enterprise consists of many software applications that the recruiting forces use to enlist young men and women into the Army and Army National Guard. The ARISS Enterprise consists mainly of the Leads Management Applications and the Accessioning Systems Applications.
40 People, 5 Basic Units
– Waterfall – Large/Medium (a.k.a. Not Small)
P2WS: CSP Waterfall-Small. : To assist Army Senior and Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps organizations at all levels to dramatically improve their decision-making, forecasting, and reporting ability by enabling high school applicants and Active Duty Soldiers to register for and complete an online application for a 4 Year Scholarship as well as enabling the United States Accessions Cadet Command G2 the ability to process applications digitally vs. paper applications.
8 People, 1 Basic Units
– Waterfall-Small

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