Perspecta Inc.-2020-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 5年前 (2020-03-10) 512次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Perspecta Inc.
Organizational Unit:
Development Engineering Group (DEG)
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Mar 11, 2020
Lead Appraiser:
Michael Evanoo
James Adams , Alka Bhave , Debbie Triplett , Victor Lau
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: No difference based on location, same processes and tools used across locations.)
Customer (Not Relevant: No difference based on customer, same processes and equivalent tools used across customers. Where there are differences are reflected in the organizational structure factor below.)
Size (Not Relevant: No difference based on size of services and projects (if they meet the size requirement to be a project))
Organizational Structure: There are different groups with different areas of focus and the processes used are somewhat different in the three different parts of the organization.
Type of Work (Not Relevant: No differences based on type of work. Most all development is performed as agile. Non-development work is not in scope)
Sampling Factor Values: GSA (Organizational Structure): This is the GSA Development work under multiple GSA projects and under the GSA Account Organization in Perspecta.
SWS (Organizational Structure): This is the Software Solutions group in Perspecta and provides software products to multiple customers. There are both COTS type of products and customer development performed out of the Huntsville, AL location.
TMPC (Organizational Structure): This is the Theater Mission Planning Center (TMPC) software development and maintenance projects under that Account in Perspecta specifically for DoD customers.
GSA: Software development projects in the Government Services Agency (GSA) Account and for the GSA customer in support of real estate management and other GSA functions.
75 People, 4 Basic Units
SWS: Software Systems Support (SWS) is an organization established to support COTS and standard software used by multiple clients including DoD and others.
22 People, 10 Basic Units
TMPC: Theater Mission Planning Center (TMPC) development activities for DoD
93 People, 1 Basic Units

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