(组织名称) PruTech Solutions Inc.
(组织单位) Software Development Department
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
(评估结束日期) Mar 13, 2020
(主任评估师) Hasan Syed Niaz
(发起人) Deepak Chopra
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Only one location exists for the software development department so there is no impact on how the projects are developed. The sample covers 100% of the location. [Not Relevant]) Customer (Not Relevant: Applied Processes are same regardless of the type of customer external or internal so there is no impact process adoption. [Not Relevant])
Size: The size of equal to or > 6 FTEs (Full Time Employees) is considered Large size project. Less than <6 ftes="" is="" considered="" as="" regular="" size="" project.="" all="" type="" of="" project="" follows="" all="" the="" process="" areas.="">6>
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: The Support level is provided at corporate level and standard processes along with tailoring options are provided so org structure does not impact the way work in performed. [Not Relevant])
Type of Work (Not Relevant: The different nature or type of work of project size does not influence the utilization of process since all processes are applied to all type of work. [Not Relevant])
Sampling Factor Values: Large (Size): This subgroup is of equal to or > 6 FTEs (Full Time Employees) is considered Large size project. Regular (Size): This subgroup of less than <6 ftes="" is="" considered="" as="" regular="" size="">6>
Subgroups: Regular: This subgroup of less than <6 ftes="" is="" considered="" as="" regular="" size="">6>
5 People, 1 Basic Units
– RegularLarge: This subgroup is of equal to or > 6 FTEs (Full Time Employees) is considered Large size project.
15 People, 2 Basic Units
– Large