Raytheon Company-2020-CMMI5

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 5年前 (2020-01-16) 463次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Raytheon Company
Organizational Unit:
Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) Engineering with participation from Mission Assurance (MA), Integrated Supply Chain (ISC), and Program Management (PM)
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 5
Appraisal End Date:
Jan 17, 2020
Lead Appraiser:
Ralph Williams
Danielle Curcio
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Does not impact how work is performed. Enterprise Management System (EMS) is used across Locations)
Customer (Not Relevant: Does not impact how work is performed. Enterprise Management System (EMS) is used for all projects regardless of Customer.)
Size (Not Relevant: Does not impact how work is performed. Enterprise Management System (EMS) is used for all projects regardless of size.)
Organizational Structure: “Organizational Structure” has been selected as a sampling factor which represents variety / diversity under which work is performed.
Type of Work: “Type of Work” has been selected as a sampling factor, “Type of Work” which represents how work is performed differently. (i.e., Agile Framework vs Non-Agile). We used “Type of Work” to reflect “Lifecycle” versus adding a new Sampling Factor
Sampling Factor Values: MSS (Organizational Structure): Mission Systems and Sensors (MSS).
SCS (Organizational Structure): Seapower Capability Systems (SCS).
IAMD (Organizational Structure): Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)
Agile Frameworks (Type of Work): Agile Frameworks can comprise of Agile and/or DevOps and/or Product Line Development
Non-Agile (Type of Work): Non-Agile Frameworks or traditional lifecycles such as Waterfall, Incremental, Spiral
Subgroups: SG 1 MSS / Agile: MSS & Agile Framework
1014 People, 6 Basic Units
– Agile Frameworks
SG 2 MSS / Non-Agile: MSS & Non-Agile
664 People, 9 Basic Units
– Non-Agile
SG 3 SCS / Agile Frameworks: SCS & Agile Frameworks
870 People, 6 Basic Units
– Agile Frameworks
SG 5 IAMD / Agile Frameworks: IAMD and Agile Frameworks
208 People, 2 Basic Units
– Agile Frameworks
SG 6 IAMD / Non-Agile: IAMD and Non-Agile Frameworks
1317 People, 10 Basic Units
– Non-Agile

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