Organization Name:
(组织名称) Shenzhen Cloudcomm. Network Technology Co., Ltd.
(组织名称) Shenzhen Cloudcomm. Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Organizational Unit:
(组织单位) R&D Department
(组织单位) R&D Department
Maturity Level:
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
(成熟度) Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
(评估结束日期) Mar 02, 2018
(评估结束日期) Mar 02, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
(主任评估师) bei liu
(主任评估师) bei liu
(发起人) Peng Zhiwei
(发起人) Peng Zhiwei
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The R&D Center is located in Shenzhen China. The OU has no other R&D department in other location. The location has no impact on process.)
Customer (Not Relevant: There is a standard process of requirement communication in the group. All the development process for all the customers is the same. “Customer” has no impact with their development process.)
Size (Not Relevant: All the projects in different size are running in same process. There is no difference in the process of the projects with different size. All of the projects are 2-3 months and 6-10 staffs and the number of functions in projects are similar. “Size” has no impact with their development process.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: All the projects are conducted under R&D Center. “Organizational structure” has no impact with their development process.)
Type of Work: There are 2 types of the products: One is new products, the other is maintenance products. New products projects perform the process exactly following the whole life-cycle development process, no process can be tailored. Maintenance products projects are intended to enhance on the existed products. Normally is focused on bug fixed, functions added, performance enhanced. The process of maintenance products projects is tailored from the standard process.Sampling Factor Values: New (Type of Work): Develop a new interface platform based on market requirement
Maintenance (Type of Work): Make change or add new features on an existed interface platformSubgroups: SG1: In this subgroup, all the products are new, which based on the new requirements from customers and market.
16 People, 2 Basic Units
– New
SG2: In this subgroup, all the products are maintenance, which based on the existed products.
7 People, 1 Basic Units
– Maintenance