Aress Software and Education Technologies Private Limit

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 12年前 (2013-03-17) 594次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Aress Software and Education Technologies Private Limited
Organizational Unit:
Software Development Division
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Mar 18, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
Kiran Chaudhari
Vrushali Udayshankar
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The scope of appraisal is only Nashik location No other locations are applicable and hence not considered for this appraisal.)
Customer (Not Relevant: The QMS processes are established at organizational level and processes are not differentiating with customer.)
Size (Not Relevant: The QMS processes does not vary and different for different size of the projects. Projects which are client managed are not in the scope of appraisal)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: Software Division is undergoing appraisal. QMS processes are same for all projects. So this factor is not impacting for the project selection. Following functions/activities are carried out at organizational Level. SEPG – Software Engineering Process Group PPQA – Process and Product Quality Assurance Training)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Software development and enhancement work is considered in scope of appraisal. Same processes are followed for both type of work so type of work is not applicable for sampling.)
Lifecycle: Projects follow either modified waterfall or Evolutionary/Staged delivery life cycle. QMS processes are different for these lifecycles. So this factor is considered for project selection from both lifecycles.
Sampling Factor Values: Modified Waterfall Lifecycle Projects (Lifecycle): This is similar to Waterfall Life cycle model. However, depending on the confidence of the work carried out, the project manager might decide to start the next stage even before the completion and approval of the work products of the current stage. In this sense, the consecutive stages of the project could be concurrently running. There is only 1 delivery to client which is the final milestone delivery for UAT
Evolutionary/Staged delivery Lifecycle Projects (Lifecycle): In this lifecycle model the project is broken down in multiple deliveries/ milestones for the client to review and give his feedback. Each of the stages of the selected project is carried out in a shorter time frame. Output will be a product that is closer than before to the deliverable intended. In this model one goes through the waterfall model/Modified Waterfall model steps of defining the software concept, analysing requirements, and creating an architectural design & technical specificati
Subgroups: 01: This is similar to Waterfall Life cycle model. However, depending on the confidence of the work carried out, the project manager might decide to start the next stage even before the completion and approval of the work products of the current stage. In this sense, the consecutive stages of the project could be concurrently running. There is only 1 delivery to client which is the final milestone delivery for UAT
10 People, 1 Basic Units
– Modified Waterfall Lifecycle Projects
02: In this lifecycle model the project is broken down in multiple deliveries/ milestones for the client to review and give his feedback. Each of the stages of the selected project is carried out in a shorter time frame
17 People, 2 Basic Units
– Evolutionary/Staged delivery Lifecycle Projects

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