(组织名称) Space Star Technology Co., Ltd. (CAST 503)
(组织单位) Ground Application System Engineering Division, Information Engineering Division, Remote Sensing and Mapping Division, Satellite Communication Division. and Quality Division
(成熟度) Maturity Level 4
(评估结束日期) Sep 15, 2020
(主任评估师) Bin Cong
(发起人) Shouyi Wang
- Sampling Summary:
(抽样汇总) -
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All project team members are located in Beijing.) Customer (Not Relevant: All customers have similar quality requirements and similar process is used for all. The domain (reflected in org structure) is the main factor that decides process used.)
Size (Not Relevant: All projects covered in OU go through similar development life cycle, thus size has no impact on process used.)
Organizational Structure: The following four divisions representing different domains are covered: Ground Application System Engineering Division, Information Engineering Division, Remote Sensing and Mapping Division, (note the 1st three divisions only host application development projects) Satellite Communication Division (all are embedded projects).
Type of Work: Application development projects (all in the 1st 3 division) and Embedded software development projects (the 4th division)
Sampling Factor Values: GASED (Organizational Structure): It covers software projects in Ground Application System Engineering Division. IED (Organizational Structure): It covers software projects in Information Engineering Division.
RSMD (Organizational Structure): It covers software projects in Remote Sensing and Mapping Division.
SCD (Organizational Structure): It covers software development projects (all embedded development) in Satellite Communication Division.
APP (Type of Work): It covers software application development projects which are in the 1st three divisions.
EMB (Type of Work): It covers embedded software development projects which is hosted in Satellite Communication Division.
Subgroups: GASED+APP: It covers software projects (all application)in Ground Application System Engineering Division.
38 People, 4 Basic Units
– APPIED+APP: It covers software projects (all applications) in Information Engineering Division.
75 People, 5 Basic Units
– IEDRSMD+APP: It covers software projects (all applications) in Remote Sensing and Mapping Division.
52 People, 4 Basic Units
– APPSCD + EMB: It covers software projects (all embedded projects) in Satellite Communication Division.
44 People, 4 Basic Units