The Tata Power Company Limited, Strategic Engineering D

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 9年前 (2016-02-25) 555次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
The Tata Power Company Limited, Strategic Engineering Division
Organizational Unit:
Software Unit
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 5
Appraisal End Date:
Feb 26, 2016
Lead Appraiser:
Mukul Madan
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location: Some work teams are located in Mumbai while in others team members are both in Mumbai and Bengaluru. There are no projects that are completely based out of Bengaluru. Project Management can be either from Mumbai or Bengaluru.
Customer (Not Relevant: All projects are ultimately for Indian Defence entities, namely, Ministry of Defence, the Armed Forces, DPSUs and DRDO. The requirements for the project can either come from the Systems Department or Internal (Senior) Management (for Advanced Development Projects). The Systems Department handles integration of Software with other engineered/ procured components (typically hardware/ mechanical/ other subsystems). There is no variation in the work due to the above.)
Size: All the projects are categorized based on an evaluation of likely effort (man month) and duration (month) for the project. This affects the process scaling related tailoring decisions available to the project.
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: All Business Units follow the same processes & lifecycles)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: Development Projects develop all features from scratch while the Enhancement Projects add new features to existing systems exactly the way the development project is performed. There is no variation in the way work is performed)
Sampling Factor Values: Single Location (Location): Projects where all of the team members are based out of Mumbai
Multi Location (Location): Projects where the team members are distributed between Mumbai and Bengaluru.
Small (Size): Small projects are either less than 15 Man Months in effort or less than 3 Months in duration. This can lead to scaling down of the standard process.
Medium to Large (Size): Projects with effort >= 15 Man Months and duration >= 3 Months. Large projects have effort >= 75 Man Months or duration >= 6 months. Both Medium and Large projects use the same processes.
Subgroups: Small Single Location Projects: Small projects with all of project team based out of a single location (Mumbai)
12 People, 2 Basic Units
– Single Location
– Small
Small Multi Location Projects: Small projects with team members distributed between Mumbai and Bengaluru
4 People, 1 Basic Units
– Small
– Multi Location
Medium to Large Single Location Projects: Medium or Large projects where all team members are in a single location (Mumbai)
19 People, 2 Basic Units
– Single Location
– Medium to Large
Medium to Large Multi Location Projects: Medium to Large projects where team members are distributed across Mumbai and Bengaluru.
50 People, 4 Basic Units
– Medium to Large
– Multi Location

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