Wuhan Newfiber Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.-2019-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 6年前 (2019-07-31) 491次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Wuhan Newfiber Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
Organizational Unit:
R&D Center
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Aug 01, 2019
Lead Appraiser:
Jiahua Li
zhiguo Wu
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: No difference in processes due to Location. All projects are mainly delivered in headquarter, there are some work need to be delivered onsite for each project. Location is not relevant.)
Customer (Not Relevant: No difference in process due to Customer. All the customers are local goverment”s urban water management department. Customer is not relevant.)
Size (Not Relevant: No difference in processes due to Size. The size of the projects is around 5 FTEs. Size is not relevant.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: No difference in processes due to Organization. All the project teams are belong to R&D Center and the team structure is almost same. Organization Structure is not relevant.)
Type of Work: In the organization, there are three kinds of software customization development work, sponge monitoring, hydrology monitoring and drainage monitoring. These projects use different programming languages, development environment and domain technology. Type of Work is relevant.
Sampling Factor Values: Sponge monitoring (Type of Work): City sponge monitoring platform software customization development. The development environment and tool is SQL Server, Java, Html, Eclipse, domain technical is sponge monitoring.
Hydrological monitoring (Type of Work): City hydrological monitoring platform software customization development. The development environment and tool is SQL Server, C#, Html, Visual Studio, domain technical is hydrological monitoring.
Drainage monitoring (Type of Work): City drainage monitoring platform software customization development. The development environment and tool is SQL Server, C#, Html, Visual Studio, domain technical is drainage monitoring.
Subgroups: SG1: The type of work is provide city sponge monitoring platform software customization development. The development environment and tool is SQL Server, Java, Html, Eclipse, domain technical is sponge monitoring. customers are local goverment”s urban water management department. The size of the projects is around 5 FTEs. All projects are mainly delivered in headquarter, there are some work need to be delivered onsite for each project.
13 People, 3 Basic Units
– Sponge monitoring
SG2: The type of work is provide city sponge monitoring platform software customization development. The development environment and tool is SQL Server, C#, Html, Visual Studio, domain technical is hydrological monitoring. customers are local goverment”s urban water management department. The size of the projects is around 5 FTEs. All projects are mainly delivered in headquarter, there are some work need to be delivered onsite for each project.
14 People, 3 Basic Units
– Hydrological monitoring
SG3: The type of work is provide city sponge monitoring platform software customization development. The development environment and tool is SQL Server, C#, Html, Visual Studio, domain technical is drainage monitoring. customers are local goverment”s urban water management department. The size of the projects is around 5 FTEs. All projects are mainly delivered in headquarter, there are some work need to be delivered onsite for each project.
9 People, 2 Basic Units
– Drainage monitoring

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