iGATE Global Solutions Limited-2013-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 12年前 (2013-03-07) 743次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
iGATE Global Solutions Limited
Organizational Unit:
Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Business Units - Managed Projects – NOIDA, Mumbai, Bengaluru
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Mar 08, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
Sankararaman Dhandapani
Ravi Mani
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: The processes that are implemented as well as the governance and internal audits do not vary based on location. Hence, this is not considered as a sampling factor. However, while sampling, diligence will be exercised to ensure all locations are covered.)
Customer (Not Relevant: Processes do not have significant variations / tailoring based on customers. Hence, not considered.)
Size (Not Relevant: Processes do not have significant variations / tailoring based on size of projects. Additionally, the OU excludes projects that are very small (1 or 2 member teams) as well as projects that have less than 10 people)
Organizational Structure: The OU consists of two Business Units. The contexts of these two business units in terms of business objectives, industry focus as well as process context are different. Hence relevant.
Type of Work: Within each of the BUs, there are more than one type of work performed and the process context has variations for each of these types of work. Hence relevant.
Sampling Factor Values: IMS (Organizational Structure): Infrastructure Management Services
BPO (Organizational Structure): Business Process Outsourcing
Back Office (Type of Work): Back Office projects in BPO BU
CIS (Type of Work): CIS projects in BPO BU
Support (Type of Work): Support projects in IMS BU
Managed Services (Type of Work): Managed Services in IMS BU
Subgroups: BPO BO: BPO BU – Back Office Projects
2136 People, 41 Basic Units
– Back Office
400 People, 15 Basic Units
IMS MS: IMS Managed Services
194 People, 7 Basic Units
– Managed Services
IMS Supt: IMS Support
453 People, 20 Basic Units
– Support

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