Creative Information Technology, Inc. , Creative IT Ind

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 9年前 (2016-03-27) 590次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Creative Information Technology, Inc. , Creative IT India Pvt. Ltd.
Organizational Unit:
Development division covering Software Development Projects and Software Implementation Projects
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 4
Appraisal End Date:
Mar 28, 2016
Lead Appraiser:
Mangesh Katalkar
Sunil Kolhekar
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: Two locations but the same set of standard processes are being used across locations. Work is not performed differently across different locations. Both locations have synchronized all efforts and resources to deliver the work. This has no bearing on process execution.)
Customer (Not Relevant: Work is not performed differently depending on the customer served by that work. Set of standard processes being used does not differ based on customer. This has no bearing on process execution.)
Size (Not Relevant: Work is not performed differently depending on the size of the project. Projects are of medium size that ranges from 8 to 30 persons. Set of standard processes being used does not differ based on size. This has no bearing on process execution.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: One division as depicted on an organization chart. This has no bearing on process execution.)
Type of Work: Work is performed differently based on the type of work i.e. Software Development, Software Implementation, Software Implementation and acquisition of product components from suppliers. Process areas affected are Project Management and Engineering process areas.
Lifecycle Model: Work is performed differently based on the lifecycle model i.e. Waterfall Lifecycle Model, Agile Lifecycle Model. Process areas affected are Project Management and Engineering process areas.
Sampling Factor Values: Software Development Projects (Type of Work): Development of software with tasks covering such as requirements gathering, design, coding, testing.
Software Implementation Projects (Type of Work): Customizing and implementing the products where implementation requires development with tasks covering such as requirements gathering, design, coding, testing.
Software Implementation Projects and acquisition of product components from suppliers (Type of Work): Customizing and implementing the products where implementation requires development with tasks covering such as requirements gathering, design, coding, testing, acquisition of product components from suppliers.
Waterfall (Lifecycle Model): Projects executed using Waterfall Lifecycle Model
Agile (Lifecycle Model): Projects executed using Agile Lifecycle Model
Subgroups: SG1: Software Development Projects executed using Waterfall Lifecycle Model
48 People, 4 Basic Units
– Software Development Projects
– Waterfall
SG2: Software Implementation Projects executed using Waterfall Lifecycle Model
12 People, 3 Basic Units
– Waterfall
– Software Implementation Projects
SG3: Software Implementation Projects and acquisition of products from suppliers executed using Agile Lifecycle Model
30 People, 1 Basic Units
– Software Implementation Projects and acquisition of product components from suppliers
– Agile

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