Sberbank of Russia , Sberbank -2016- Technology-2016-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 9年前 (2016-02-08) 742次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Sberbank of Russia , Sberbank - Technology
Organizational Unit:
Credit Factory Development Center
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Feb 09, 2016
Lead Appraiser:
Alexander Kondakov
Sergey Bezbogov
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All projects of organizational unit are performed mostly in Moscow office and managed by headquarter located in this office. Thus location can”t be considered as significant factor.)
Customer (Not Relevant: Only some business divisions of Sberbank can play a role of customer for projects but all of these projects are following to the same regulations. Thus this factor has no influence on projects.)
Size (Not Relevant: All projects of organizational unit are relatively equal in terms of size. Deviations in size have no influence on project execution. Thus this factor has no influence on projects.)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: No matter on approach using in projects, organizational structure of organizational unit”s projects is firmly defined in organizational regulations. Thus this factor is excluded from consideration.)
Type of Work: The type of work of projects became important factor which has influence on lifecycles and approaches used by projects.
Sampling Factor Values: New systems development (Type of Work): Development of new systems and products.
Systems enhancements (Type of Work): Sberbank main systems updates and maintenance.
Subgroups: New Development: Projects dedicated to development of new systems and products.
108 People, 2 Basic Units
– New systems development
Enhancements: Implementation of change requests Sberbank division’s requests and state regulations.
864 People, 11 Basic Units
– Systems enhancements

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