Shaanxi Yinghua Electronical Technology Co.,Ltd.-2018-CMMI3

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 6年前 (2018-12-11) 594次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
Shaanxi Yinghua Electronical Technology Co.,Ltd.
Organizational Unit:
Technology R&D Department
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level 3
Appraisal End Date:
Dec 12, 2018
Lead Appraiser:
Alok Goswami
Ting Li
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: All application and solutions development work is conducted at Xian, China. Thus, geographical location is not a differentiator for Technology R&D Department at Shaanxi Yinghua Electronical Technology Co., Ltd. and does not make any material difference to the way processes are applied by the OU.)
Customer: There are differences in the way processes are executed depending on whether the customer is external or internal to the organisation. The external or internal nature of the customer leads to some differences in processes, particularly affecting RD, REQM, PP, PMC, RSKM, MA and IPM process areas.
Size: There are differences in the way processes are executed depending on whether the basic unit (Project) is Large, Medium or Small size. The sizing construct is as below: 1) Large > 60 Man Months 2) Medium 15 Man Months – 60 Man Months 3) Small < 15=”” man=”” months.=”” the=”” difference=”” in=”” size=”” leads=”” to=”” some=”” differences=”” in=”” processes,=”” particularly=”” affecting=”” rd,=”” ts,=”” pi,=”” ver,=”” val,=”” pp,=”” pmc=”” and=”” ipm=”” process=””>
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: A single management structure governs the OU and there are no multiple structures or any such structural complexities that may result in variations in the way processes are executed by the OU. Thus, Organisational Structure is not a differentiator for the OU – Technology R&D Department, and does not make any material difference to the way processes are applied to execute work.)
Type of Work (Not Relevant: All basic units involve software application and solutions development work focusing on similar type of Requirements, and using the same QMS processes. Hence, type of work is not a differentiator and does not make a material difference to the way processes are applied by the OU – Technology R&D Department.)
Sampling Factor Values: External Customer (Customer): These are basic units (projects) executed for customers that are external to the organisation and are based on a set of requirements and contract that is agreed with the external customer.
Internal Customer (Customer): These are basic units (projects) executed for customers that are internal to the organisation and are based on a set of requirements that are developed in-house.
Medium Size Projects (Size): These are projects whose size in total Man-Months is between 15-60 Man-Months.
Small Size Projects (Size): These are projects whose size in total Man-Months is less than 15 Man-Months.
Subgroups: External Customer, Small Size Projects: These are basic units (projects) executed for customers that are external to the organisation and are based on a set of requirements and contract that is agreed with the external customer. The size of these projects is less than 15 Man-Months.
14 People, 3 Basic Units
– Small Size Projects
– External Customer
External Customer, Medium Size Projects: These are basic units (projects) executed for customers that are external to the organisation and are based on a set of requirements and contract that is agreed with the external customer. The size of these projects is between 15 and 60 Man-Months.
23 People, 3 Basic Units
– External Customer
– Medium Size Projects
Internal Customer, Small Size Projects: These are basic units (projects) executed for customers that are internal to the organisation and are based on a set of requirements that are developed in-house. The size of these projects is less than 15 Man-Months.
5 People, 1 Basic Units
– Internal Customer
– Small Size Projects

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