IBERIA, L.A.E., S.A. Operadora, Sociedad Unipersonal-Sp

CMMI认证查询 cmmirz 11年前 (2013-07-03) 579次浏览 0个评论
Organization Name:
IBERIA, L.A.E., S.A. Operadora, Sociedad Unipersonal
Organizational Unit:
All software development and maintenance projects of IBERIA’s IT Department.
Maturity Level:
Sponsor Requests No ML
Appraisal End Date:
Jul 04, 2013
Lead Appraiser:
Victoria Ines Lázaro Lamoratta
David Marquez
Sampling Summary:
Sampling Factors: Location (Not Relevant: basic unit location has no effect in the way the activities are performed as they are performed in one single location, Madrid.)
Customer (Not Relevant: Customer has no effect in the way the activities are performed because same process is used for development projects.)
Size (Not Relevant: size has been considered to have no effect in the way processes are executed. This is directly related with the Type of Work (see this factor).)
Organizational Structure (Not Relevant: this factor has no effect in the way the activities are performed. All development areas use same methodology.)
Type of Work: Here we can distinguish two possible types of projects included in the organizational scope of the appraisal: 1A (development) and 1C (evolutional maintenance)
Sampling Factor Values: 1A (Type of Work): Complete Development projects
1C (Type of Work): Evolutional Maintenance projects
Subgroups: 1A: Complete Development projects
99 People, 9 Basic Units
– 1A
1C: Evolutional Maintenance projects
113 People, 24 Basic Units
– 1C

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